Time to Stop Chasing Trends and Start Building
If you’ve been paying attention to the business world in the last couple of years, this will not come as a surprise. The idea of hopping on the shiniest new bandwagon is not a exactly a fresh one – there have always been those who are keen to seize every new opportunity that comes their […]
Blockchain as the Future of Social Media
If the recent events have shown us anything, it’s that the social media is increasingly moving towards personalization and freedom. And if the former is simply a natural consequence of a progressively more divided social environment (with a media landscape geared towards conflict) and algorithms designed to filter out the ‘unwanted’ content, the latter is […]
Cryptocurrency: Why Don’t People Spend It?
Currently, all plans to replace regular currency with cryptocurrency face one major hurdle: very few investors are actually spending it. And, as things stand, the unwillingness to part with digital funds is completely justified. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies might be best used for storing value, at least at the moment. It is also difficult to […]
Bitcoin is Investopedia’s ‘Term of the Year’
Following its meteoric rise to the forefront of our public consciousness, Bitcoin has been named the ‘Term of the Year’ by Investopedia. This is hardly surprising, considering that cryptocurrency managed to overshadow most of the events in what has been a rather tumultuous year. Financial education recourse focused on investment featured Bitcoin at the top […]